The Princess And The Frog Princess Essay

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The Princess and the Frog" is Disney's latest 2D animation. What makes its release so special is the fact it's the first Disney film featuring an African-American princess. As with anything new brought to the public, the film created controversy, many people being outrage by a number of issues found in the initial press release, amongst them being the original name of the film and characters. The plot The film is a fairy tale set in Jazz-Age era New Orleans and centered on a young girl named Tiana and her fateful kiss with a frog prince who desperately wants to become a human again. The Story The story of the film began development with the merge of two separate projects in development from Disney and Pixar, both based around 'Frog Prince' fairy tale. One of the projects was based on E. D. Baker's "The Frog princess", in which the story's heroine kisses a prince turned into a frog to return him to his human for, but instead she's turned into …show more content…

The title The original title of the film was "The Frog Princess", but was shortly changed after the initial press release because accusations were made of it insinuating that African-American women are ugly. Even though the title was changed, looking at posters or covers for the movie, Disney still has the two problematic words the biggest, "Princess" and "Frog". Linking them, changing places and adding "The" to form "The Frog Princess" is not far behind in anyone's mind. The original princess name The princess' original name was 'Maddy'. African-American critics disapproved of the original name of the character, feeling that 'Maddy' sounded too much like the derogatory term 'Mammy'. Maddy's original career as a chambermaid didn't help Disney fight the critics. The ethnicity of the

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