The Preamble Of The Federal Budget

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The preamble of the United State’s constitution sets many goals for the country. These goals are to form a more perfect union, to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense , promote the general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves, and our posterity (US Const). With all of these goals it begs the question are, parts of the United State’s government meeting these goals? One specific case with this relationship is the relationship between the federal budget, and the goals in the preamble. The federal budget is meeting the goals set out in the preamble of the constitution because the federal budget defends the country, promotes the welfare of America’s citizen, and establishes justice …show more content…

However the interest we pay on our nation 's debt is very small compared to the overall budget. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities only 7% of the total budget is spent on interest which is relatively low compared to things like social security which took up 24% of the budget in 2014 (Policy Basics). As long as the United States can continue to keep the interest rates low the debt will continue to be a begin threat. If the creditors of the U.S. were to spike their interest rates, America would be in trouble, however America has fairly good credit, and it should remain that way unless there is another scare like the government shutdown in 2011 (Riley). Overall the threat of the nation debt is a very minute problem in the grand scheme of things. According to The Richest, only five nations in the entire world are completely debt free, which is astounding when you consider that there are about 195 countries in the entire world (Mathers; How Many). These figures show how extremely difficult it is for a country to run without having a certain amount of debt, and America having debt should not be a concern. America is not even in the top ten countries whose debt make up the majority of their GDP (Country List). Which means that at the moment American’s should not be overly

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