The Positive And Negative Effects Of Joining The Children's Crusade

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The crusades were a series of holy wars, which spanned almost 200 years from 1096-1272. The aim of the crusades was to aid the Byzantines and to recapture the holy city of Jerusalem from the Muslims in the name of God. In order to get his message across, Pope Urban II delivered a powerful speech in Clermont about the importance of people joining the crusade. He also highlighted the acts of brutality that the Muslims had committed.
The Children’s crusade was an unusual event that occurred in 1212, located between the fourth and fifth crusades. In this crusade, a broad range of young people from France and Germany embarked on a crusade to the Holy Land. Members of the Children’s Crusade ranged from 4-17 years of age. Most of the participants were uneducated and belonged to the peasant class. According to the Christian Broadcasting Network, other people who joined this movement were “the misfits, the unhappy, the abused and the unwanted.” Additionally, there were boys of noble birth who had run away from home to join the Children’s Crusade, as well as some girls and a few young priests.
Many parents were extremely upset when their children received permission from the priest to join the crusade. These parents viewed the crusades negatively …show more content…

However, both seem to center around two boys, Stephen and Nicholas. The religious leaders of the time did not approve of children being involved in the crusades, yet both Stephen and Nicholas defied either French King Phillip II or Pope Innocent III. Stephen lead his followers through France, while Nicholas lead his recruits through Germany. According to the source, The History Guide, “while the French children were to conquer the Holy Land by force, the Germans were to achieve their aim by the conversion of the infidel.” This shows the different perspectives of the way the children would reclaim the Holy Land from the

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