Green House Effect On Climate Change

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With the population growth and urban development, climate change has become a fatal

problem in our society. Climate change correlates to long-term changes in the Earth’s climate

such as the risen of average temperature. This is also known as the greenhouse effect.

According to World Bank (2009, cited in World Bank, 2012), more than seventy thousand

European died in heat wave in 2003. Although the government has made a relative measure,

the Green House effect still exists in our society, especially in the coastal areas (Hunti,

A&Watkiss,P, 2011). There are large number of impacts on coastal areas and their relative

measure regarding with climate change, including sea level rise, floods and storms, energy


Sea level rises cause …show more content…

Meanwhile, it also

affects the local economy. ‘In adapting to climate change, cities can choose either grey or

green infrastructure.’ Says Professor Stuart Gaffin (Elisabeth Braw, 2013). In New York, they

chose to use Green City, including living roof and street planting. Such series of measures

will collect more rainwater, slow down the flood damage to the city, while building a multi-

functional park that can be used to store water when storms and floods come.

Climate change also has a immense impact on energy use, while the greenhouse effect may

reduce heating demand in the winter, the year-on- year growth will increase the use of air

conditioning in the summer, at the same time, it will also increase the extra greenhouse gas

emissions. Hunt. A and Watkiss. P report that the IPCC(2001) points out that the air

conditioning has 60% of total electricity usage in tropical and subtropical cities, this shows

that the rise of temperature has a huge impact on energy consumption. However, in solving

the energy problem, Shanghai has already established its first wind-power station in 2003. …show more content…

On the other

hand, Melbourne has established 'moving with the sun', which also uses natural energy, while

reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 87%, 82% electricity, 87% gas and 72% water. This

building can clears emissions at night, collects solar energy during the day, and converts

wastewater into usable water.

Climate change is an unalterable fact, and the harms it brings are enormous. In this issue,

while slowing, proposes to address the impact of climate change is essential. Climate change

threatens life and health, affects urban development and increases the risk factor in life. All of

sea level rise, flood storms, and overuse of energy are examples of negative impacts of

climate change. The protection of the coastline, the construction of a green city, and the

efficient use of natural energy can effectively addresses the problems caused by climate

change. World Bank (2012) points out that planting trees in the city of Makati can reduce

carbon dioxide levels in the air, mitigate flooding and mitigate climate change. Climate

change is a serious problem facing the world today, paying attention to this issue and working

to resolve, not only in coastal

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