The Political Power Of A Representative Democracy

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Madison says people have ambition and interest which are personal motives. These motives must not rule over to those who administer each department. In a representative democracy it is not only important to guard against the oppression of rulers, it is equally important to guard against the injustice which may be inflicted by certain citizens or groups. He ardently advocated for political power for the minority, which could not happen under a direct democracy. Direct democracy favors the majority and can lead to mob rule. In Madison’s "Federalist No. 10," he promoted a representative democracy in which common citizens would elect statesmen to represent their interests. Madison likewise believed in federalism, or the separation of powers, so that factions, or minority interests, would have multiple avenues to power. He saw factions as protection against tyranny and encouraged a form of government that would encourage and bolster factions. If majority always takes over and minorities do not have a say, things like slavery will never be abolished. Numerous factions would also mean that no one group would be able to take complete control of the government and this would give rise to what Madison called “politics,” namely, the art of governing. Madison says each branch should be independent and no one branch should have too much power in selecting members of the other two branches. If one had accumulated all political power, nothing could stop it from acting tyrannically. The Framers of the Constitution of 1787 solved the problem of reconciling a strong, durable separation of powers with republican government by means of a new doctrine of constitutionalism. Having the U.S. Constitution limit the political power is so important as ...

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...te, mostly moved by anger and do not think about the policy they propose. These passions move from the House of Representative to the Senate for it to cool off. Similarly, passion drives divisions. As an example, people usually buy on emotions, then later on regret the decision. The saucer cools the hot tea is when people take a day to let the emotions cool off then decide without the strong passion of emotions. Currently, there are many political situation going on and so much passion and anger: from the terrorist acts in San Bernardino and Florida, gun control policies, and immigration issues from the refugees in the middle east and Mexico. All these passions fit in the checks and balance within the Constitution for the Senate and House of Representatives to discuss. “If a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure.”

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