The Poisonwood Bible Essay

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There are different cultures around the world. In the book,The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver, the Price family moved to Congo, for the first time leaving their family, and friends in Georgia behind to start their new life for a year.

The culture of those in Africa differ in my culture because when new families arrive to stay at their place, the people of that place organize a prayer meeting to greet the new family, in which the people of the village would cook, and also prepare to celebrate for their arrival. At the beginning of the Chapter 1, the Price family was greeted by the people of Kilanga where they planned to hold a large prayer meeting for their arrival. During the celebration, men were beating drums, women were dancing, and children were running around. During the time they were celebrating, one of the leaders asks a priest to lead a Thanksgiving prayer so they could start to eat. This is different on how we celebrate Thanksgiving, because many families include all members to help in preparation for the food, and many people serve desserts at the end of the meal. Also after eating a turkey, they get the wishbone, and two people take each end of the wishbone and …show more content…

When the Price family arrived, they were shocked on how the Congolese men treated their own wives, as if they weren’t important even though the women did all the work. “ Though as far as I could see the wives and daughter did just about all the work“(229). This shows that African women have a difficult time during their lives, whereas the men don’t do as physically or mentally as hard as what the women have to do in the Congo. This is different compared to our culture because men had to do more a more arduous and more physically demanding jobs, while the women don’t do jobs that are as demanding as those of the work the men

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