The Pledge Of Allegiance

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The issue of pledging allegiance to the concept of patriotism for the people and culture enclosed by specific imaginary lines created by humans is not new (Wilson). The early church itself had its own “Apostles’ Creed,” which served as a sort of pledge. There is nothing wrong with having an allegiance to God and His Holiness, but the problem begins when one pledges his or her allegiance to a piece of fabric, people group, nation, or even the world. Instigating pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States of America in Christian schools in Southern California equates making an oath of loyalty to a kingdom that is not that of the Lord’s, further institutes the serving of two masters, and shows dishonesty if one truly believes in God over …show more content…

Agreeing that allegiance to God takes precedence over allegiance to state is still saying the pledge is contradictory. Everything done is an act of worship, whether of God or of the things of this earth. By declaring one’s Pledge of Allegiance, the character of the Church and the nature of God are distorted. This impedes and weakens the Church’s ministry of unity and reconciliation in an already divided world. Even if the words “under God” are being spoken, reciting the Pledge is an act of worship and submission to the country Christians, as sojourners, reside in currently. Nothing in Christ’s teachings or anything the apostles imparted ever called Christians to love and show loyalty to any one nation above any other. That, plainly speaking, is idolatry. The identity of the Church surpasses any imaginary lines and distinctions seen only by human eyes (Watts). Colossians 3:11 states, “Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all (The Bible).” This truth of identity is deceived when the Church endorses the celebration and identification with resident loyalties or its accompanying characteristics. The only thing found in scripture is a command to honor and pray for those in authority and obey uncontradictory laws set in place. Love and commitment for any worldly kingdom is neither instructed nor praised in Scripture

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