The Physical Nature Of God Study Guide

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The Physical Nature of God Chapter 4 “Those who make religion their god will not have God for their religion” Thomas Eskine of Linlathen

If we have accepted the Judeo-Christian scriptures as the place to find the nature of God, then we can now ask, what is God like? We will now have a place to seek the answers.
The essence of the opening quote for this chapter is that most of us want a god that conforms to our conceptions of him and our desires for what his (or her) nature should be. If, for instance, we believed that homosexuality or abortion were not a sin, then we would imagine a god whose nature would be accepting …show more content…

If we can determine God’s nature, His essence, His predilections, attitudes, etc…, then we have nothing to fear from our level of morality as we have determined God’s reactions to our actions. It is like having our cake and eating it too – we can believe in God and still live as we desire to live.
People often refer to their conception of God as an essence, or that he is part of the universe, or throughout the universe. To hear the common descriptions for God one would think that God is the unexplained ‘dark matter’ in the universe. Dark matter is believed by scientists to be distributed throughout the universe, but no one can exactly identify its substance. If God is indeed “throughout the universe”, could this mysterious substance be the essence of God?
In searching for the truth we have to ask why such a god would make us like we are, when we are said to be made in His image (Genesis 1:26), instead of forming us into dark matter. If you did not believe the vision of Joseph Smith Jr. (founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), seeing God the father and Jesus Christ, His Son, together in the flesh (History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Chapter 1: “I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air”) you would still need to ask why God would give us bodies when He is some sort of inert …show more content…

He was resurrected with His flesh and bone. Why would the Father have less or be less than the Son? We have been given the promise of a resurrection (John 5:28-29 “For the hour is coming in the which all that are in the grave shall hear His voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation” (See also Ezekiel 37:1-14 – God shows Ezekiel a valley of bones and allows him the opportunity to command the bones to form sinew and flesh and to bring the breath of life into the resurrected bodies. This is a representation of how God provides us an opportunity to create under His direction which we will look at in a later chapter). If a body is so important for us and for Jesus Christ, why would God the Father deny Himself what He finds important for us? If we are made in His image, how could we think He is less than we are? In Philippians 3:21 it says that Jesus Christ “shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body”. His resurrected body is incorruptible and

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