Odysseus Journey Analysis

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The Odyssey is an epic poem that explores the journey of the hero Odysseus. The author of the Odyssey is Homer, who is famous for writing both The Odyssey and Iliad. The title of this poem basically means “The story of Odysseus” and is about his quest to return home ten years after the fall of Troy. There are many characters within the Odyssey, but the main ones you will hear about are Odysseus, his son Telemachus, his wife Penelope and Athena, the goddess of wisdom and daughter of Zeus. In Odysseus’s journey, we see that his hubris is the greatest obstacle for his ability to reason and make logical decisions. Odysseus encounters many obstacles on his way home. He makes many major mistakes that he does not learn from and we see how his big ego affects his future. The Odyssey explores Odysseus’s journey, the mistakes he makes along the way, and how his hubris makes the obstacles he encounters even more difficult to overcome.
Odysseus makes many mistakes …show more content…

“Just as I have come from afar, creating pain for many men and women across the good green earth so let his name be Odysseus…the Son of Pain, a name he’ll earn in full” (Book 19, Homer), said his grandfather Autolycus when naming him as an infant. In some ways, he was explaining that pain was in his blood and it would always be part of his life, whether it was his own or that of those around him. Odysseus shows that hubris can lead to one’s downfall. What could have been a quick journey home ended up being a ten-year journey because he was always doing things to cause setbacks. His ego caused him to put himself first in almost every situation. One can strive to always be the best but hubris can also cause you to be unable to reflect and react in moderation. Odysseus was a hero so in the end, he showed that even the most revered people are still human and all humans are prone to make

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