Difficult Decisions In Homer's The Odyssey

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The Odyssey is an epic poem written by Homer, where Odysseus has a long and dreadful journey back home. This epic poem is like a journey through life. Everyone faces difficult decisions. Like Odysseus, I will encounter temptation and difficult decisions on my journey to become a well known Artist.

One of my difficulties I will face is going to art school. It will be awful, like when Odysseus went to the land of the dead. In the Odyssey, this quote, “Avoid those kine, hold fast to your intent and hard seafaring brings you all to Ithaca.” (11. 89-90) , is similar to what I have to do in order to reach my goal. I will have to stick with every thing that comes my way. No matter how horrible it may be.

Another difficulty I will face is people

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