The Nursing And Midwifery Council

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This assignment tries to understand how the Nursing and Midwifery Council seeks to protect the public and maintain care standards within the UK.
The nursing profession is regulated by the Nursing and Midwife council which has set out rules and regulations to guide the nurses and also protect the public. In the United Kingdom, these preset standards set the minimum requirements for persons intending to practice nursing or midwifery within England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Island. They also ensure that the service provided by the nurses and midwives are consistent and of the highest standards. According to Nursing and Midwifery Council (2015), the code is structured around four themes – prioritize people, practice …show more content…

And securing compliance , or enforcement which is charge with two responsibilities to protect and uphold the confidence of the public.
In the UK,Total professional .com(undated) states that a regulatory body is like a professional body it is not a membership organization and its primary activity is to protect the public, unlike professional is established on the basis of legal mandate.Ref Quality research international .com /glossary /regulation body .htm.
The way in which NMC implement their regulation or role of NMC in relation to the nurses.
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN, 1981) and the nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2004; 2008) stated the word accountability as one’s responsibility to somebody. in this case nurses are reliable to the patients in relation to the way they provide care based in the NMC principles and regulation .However Sempre and Cable disputed having responsibility relates to one’s accountability to what another does. They stated that accountability is one responsible to the punishment of what one does (2003). Reliable pupils such as nurses are accountable to the NMC which legislates and regulates all nurses. As well as nurses they regulate: midwives and specialist community nurses in the United Kingdom. It is the responsibility of all registrant to withstand to its principle. Regardless, the priority and urge for codes of practice and conduct goes beyond the bounds of midwives and nurses with their daily contact with

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