The New Jim Crow: The Racial Caste System

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A racial caste system is a hierarchy of races within a society. This term was popularized by Michelle Alexander in her novel “the New Jim Crow”. In today’s current society, I agree with Alexander that there is a racial caste system that disproportionately affects people of color. The racial caste system in America is used to keep some races, specifically whites, in a position of authority and privilege. It creates a power imbalance by through stereotypes and corrupt laws that primarily affect people of color. The racial caste system should be dismantled by ending laws that work against people of color, removing stereotypes from the media and changing the conversation in regards to the lives of African-Americans. The racial caste system in America is not a myth. It is not an imaginary issue that only affects …show more content…

These laws disproportionately affect low-income and urban areas. Also the government and media have to change the narrative when discussing African-Americans and other people of color. The perpetuation of stereotypes within the media and by the government has a huge role in the outcomes for criminal cases against African-Americans. By changing the conversation and dismantling racially biased laws, the racial caste system has less of a framework to stand on, by doing so this will eliminate the system as a whole for equality amongst all people. With the turmoil of our current American society, the racial caste system should be eliminated so that everyone can exercise their rights as free citizens in America. By ending laws that work against people of color, removing stereotypes from the media and changing the conversation in regards to the lives of African-Americans the system can be dismantled. By disassembling the racial caste system this will breakdown the barriers between races creating a more equal and just

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