The Negative Effects Of Steroids

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Anything you take comes with side effects. Steroids have a lot of side effects. In Sports and Drug Use it states that you can get mood swings, aggression, depression, and liver damage. In women side effects include, facial and body hair, deeper voice, and altered menstrual cycles. Steroids can change your behavior and change the women are. Performance-enhancing drugs: know the risks, states that men and women can become bald. It also says that women can get absent or infrequent periods. People can also get severe acne, liver tumors, high blood pressure and rage. This illustrates that it can affect you in many different ways. In another article it says, “The negative effects associated with steroids far outweigh the positive. The extensive …show more content…

People might get cancer from taking these drugs. It also shows that the side effects outweigh benefits. “Use of steroids greatly increases the risk of muscle tears and tendon injuries. The occurrence of muscle cramps is also dramatically increased with steroid use, which can impact training regimens and athletic performance” (Effects of Steroids on the Body). You can get muscle tears if you take steroids. If you don't take them for a long period of time you may not get side effects. “Not everyone will develop side effects and side effects vary from person to person. If steroid injections are infrequent (less than every three to four months), it is possible that none of the listed side effects will occur” (Steroids to Treat Arthritis). If you take them orally you can get blurred vision, easy bruising, difficulty sleeping, high blood pressure, increased appetite, weight pain, muscle weakness, nervousness, stomach irritation or bleeding, sudden mood swings, swelling, worsening of diabetes, and a puffy …show more content…

Some benefits for athletes include, increase in strength, enhance athletic performance and quicker recovery from injuries (Sports and Drug Use). Some athletes are lazy and want to get in shape faster by taking drugs. In Anabolic Steroids, it states that people use steroids to gain strength and lose body fat. In an article, it says, “Anabolic steroids may help athletes recover from a hard workout more quickly by reducing the muscle damage that occurs during the session. This enables athletes to work out harder and more frequently without overtraining” (Performance- enhancing drugs: know the risks). People can recover from hard workouts quicker by using steroids. “When inflammation threatens to damage critical body organs, steroids can be organ saving and, in many instances, life-saving. For example, they may help prevent the progression of kidney inflammation, which can lead to kidney failure in people who have lupus or vasculitis. For these people, steroid therapy may eliminate the need for kidney dialysis or transplant” (Steroids to Treat Arthritis). Steroids can help people have the need to not get a transplant or dialysis. “When taken in these very high doses, anabolic-androgenic steroids can produce dramatic increases in muscle mass and strength, making it possible for users to far exceed the upper limits of muscularity attainable under natural conditions, without these drugs.

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