The Need for Civility

605 Words2 Pages

Currently in the world today, everyone is fighting in a cloud of smoggy and jumbled politics and of general life. This cloud is so dark and hazy that it blinds everyone, which makes it so that no one can see another person’s side or view. This causes people to continue to argue and never come to a consensus, like trying to swim through ice - it’s impossible to agree. This cloud has evolved so much and become so much like the norm that many people do not see the problems that it’s causing. People need to be more aware that being one-sided will only bring more tension and not allow for anything to be done. It is time to take action and clean out the smog and haze from the cloud. It is time to be able to see each other from opposite sides of the cloud and respect each other’s views and opinions. To do this, we must have a more open mind, and have the mindset that is more willing to accept differences. Therefore, civility is a very important necessity that our society needs currently and for the future, and can be achieved through efforts to change our mindsets.
First of all, civility i...

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