The Necessary To Define The Role Of A College President

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If necessary to define the role of the university or college president in one word, it would have to be the gross understatement, “multifaceted.” A president must be everything to everyone at all times. He or she must have the experience and character to be hired initially, followed by the ability to fundraise effectively, communicate clearly, think globally, embrace technology, collaborate repeatedly, and inspire passionately. Although written over five decades ago, part of the late Clark Kerr’s 1963 manifesto, The Uses of the University, rings true today. The higher education champion and former president of the University of California could not have been more on target when describing the president: The university president in the United States is expected to be a friend of the students, a colleague of the faculty, a good fellow with the alumni, a sound administrator with the trustees, a good speaker with the public, an astute bargainer with the foundations and the federal agencies, a politician with the state legislature, a friend of industry, labor, and …show more content…

Pope and Miller’s 2005 study sought to compile skills required of a community college president. Faculty members were asked to identify such skills, and 80% perceived communication (oral and written) to be one of the top three considered. Higher education presidents were also given the same survey, and they too identified communication as one of their top four skills. Presidents may give hundreds of speeches per year in various venues and to various audiences. As an extension, Boyd (2010) indicates that accomplished public speaking be a prerequisite for presidents, along with its counterpart, good listening. Bowles (2013) contends that a good president listens carefully and then acts accordingly, with emotional intelligence and a keen ability to “read”

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