The NS

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The nervous system is the main component that makes us who we are. Just like how a computer needs the hard drive, humans need the nervous system in order to live. The nervous system is a network of nerves (the brain, the spinal cord, and other organs) who work together to allow us to perform daily tasks. It is the humans electrical chemical control center. It is the hub for the body’s functions; it receives, and then generates the transmitted functions through electric signals on what functions the body will perform: communications, coordinating, controls, and regulate (Adam). In order for us to function properly, the system must have all components connected properly.
The nervous system is made of glial cells and billions of nerve cells called neurons. The neurons are the basic fibers of the main signaling unit. The nervous system collects information through the sensory cells and then responds to external stimulants. With the electrical signals sent to the stimulus and then they transmit them to the spinal cord or the brain. The signals are then processed and carried out through the muscles or glands. Each neuron consists of a body cell and extensions. The short extensions (dendrites) are the antennae or the signal receivers. They receive signals and transmit them on to the cell body. Then there are the long extensions (the axon) they are the transmitters. Next is the nerve impulse, which releases the chemical substance, this is the chemical neurotransmitter. The neurons job is to help direct axons to the target. They form an outer fatty layer and wrap around the axon to provide electrical insulation to assist in transmitting signals.
The nervous system has two parts: central nervous system and peripheral nervo...

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... treatment for epilepsy is through medications. However, the use of medications will not work on every patient so there is another form of treatment and that is through surgical procedures. With each of these surgical procedures, they focus on different parts of the brain.
These are just a few of the known disease that are associated with a nervous system that is not properly connected. In order for us as human beings to have the ability to function properly on a daily basis, the system must have all components connected properly.

Works Cited

(Adam). Retrieved 12 19, 2013, from

PubMed Health. (2012, 03 19). Retrieved 12 20, 2013, from

(Washington Edu.). Retrieved 12 19, 2013, from

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