The Medieval Church In The Medieval And Middle Ages

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A Book of Longevity
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Date Medieval and Middle Age Church
The medieval church is characterized by a period when their democracy of thoughts was not embraced by the church. This is because during this period, the church played a significant role in Medieval England. The church had great control or power when it came to the people’s thoughts, beliefs, as well as the communication. During this period, there is a likely indication that the church took full dominance over peoples’ lives. For instance, the people who existed during this time believed and were made to believe that the only way to get to heaven was through the way of the Roman Catholic Church. This therefore led the church being the most valued and the most sacred …show more content…

the medieval period and the Middle Age period, the church played totally different roles as far as the needs and the interests of the people was concerned. The Medieval church was sort of exploitative as it made the people believe that the church was everything that mattered in their lives and in that case, the church did not move with the prevailing market forces of the time. Given that the medieval church had total control over the people, the church was so wealthy and even with the wealth, it did not bother helping the needy people and whatever was brought by the people remained in the church and became the wealth of the church, (Bainton 1962). Unlike the middle and the current churches where the people are the key interest, the medieval church failed to move with the then market forces. With this evidence, it is proper to conclude that the Medieval Church did not interact with the religious “market forces”. The market forces stands for the changes which were inevitable with the people, the wants and needs as well. The freedom of thought, ideologies and actions of the congregation was controlled by the Medieval …show more content…

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