The Male Gaze Essay

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“Women aren't my competition because male attention and sexual objectification are not prizes for me.” ― Miya Yamanouchi
There is a buzz in society that women feel self-satisfied when men glare at them, which is absolutely a very fallacious believe. Women are at no pleasure, when men ridicule these gestures.
In this essay we will be discussing about the Male gaze and its concept by Laura Mulvey.
Before discussing about her theory, we need to know what feminism is, it has a basic concept of being having the equal right in all aspect from social to political to economical. The movement has been started a long time back for women's right and interest (Brunell and Burkett, 2018).
The main aim of feminists is not to have protest and rallies but to bring a change in people's …show more content…

The book used psychoanalysis theory as a political dart to portray the reality. It argued about its relevance to the pleasing and unpleasing offered by the historic narrative film. It further discussed scopophilia urge that is pleasure in looking at another person as an erotic object (Laura Mulvey, 1975).
The “gaze” is a concept that depicts how observers get involved with visual media. Arising, in film ideologies and criticism in the 1970s, the gaze denotes to how we look at the representations. These include publications, television series and films (Simmons, 2016).
The ideology of the male gaze is based on the concept of deprecating portrayal of women in the society (Essay UK, no date). it portrays a sexual behaviour of the men that entitles men and materializes women (Simmons, 2016). It means that men have the right on women, they believe in the myth that they own women and they hold them as its their possession and have brought it in value. Thus, it gives them superiority complex, leading to dominate and control her, to treat her according to their

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