The Main Features of Government and Society Under the Ancient Regime in France before 1789

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The Main Features of Government and Society Under the Ancient Regime in France before 1789

French society before 1789 existed with many problems and tensions due

to the various sections of society and the King’s government’s

inability to operate on these problems effectively and efficiently.

The King had absolute power at this time in that he authority was not

limited by any representative body such as a parliament. He was

responsible only to God however the power of the monarchy was not

despotic. It was bound by the laws and customs of the Kingdom. There

were also independent bodies such as the Assembly of the Clergy that

had rights and privileges which the King could not interfere with.

Laws were made by the King after he had consulted his advisors however

he was not bound to take their advice. Some ministers owned great

power. The Controller-General was one of the most influential of

these and was in charge of Royal finance. Each of these ministers met

with the king individually however rather than having a cabinet. In

the provinces the King’s government was continued by ‘intendants of

police, of justice and finance.’ These were appointed by the King and

had powers in the 34 généralités into which France was divided.

Within their designated area they were supervised tax collection and

religious practising.

There were several types of taxes. The taille was paid by everyone

except the Church and Nobility. There was also the capitation, a poll

tax on certain individuals, the vingtieme, a 5% levy on all incomes

and the gabelle, the tax on salt. The chaotic method of tax

collection meant that although the taxes were a strain on the people

the government did not receive enough money from them. Taxes were

collected by members of the Farmers-General. These people were hated

as they charged the amount that they fancied and kept any excess they

made over the lump sum they agreed to pay the government.

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