The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock, And The Hollow Men

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T.S Eliot, one of many modern poets has always managed to produce great poems. When looking at some of his finest work such as “The Wasteland”, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and “The Hollow Men” it is remarkable, how one individual can create such exquisite art. In his college years, Eliot developed much of his early poetic style around French symbolists such as Arthur Rimbaud, Stephane Mallarme and Jules Laforgue. As Eliot grew older, he converted to the Catholic faith. From there on in, Eliot and his craft would evolve. Eliot would often cleverly target the structure, theme, and the use of symbolism in his poems. “The Wasteland” is a poem of higher stature. The poem has a disjointed timeline, meaning that this poem does not have …show more content…

Alfred Prufrock” revolves around the theme of love. This poem is timeless, mainly because it revolves around people and their wants. As long as there are things that we cannot have, we will always secretly long for them. In the poem, Prufrock is greatly unsure of what he really wants from the woman in the poem. He obviously has some interest in this woman, which could ultimately be enough for him to want to be with her. It is like seeing a nice car that you only dreamed of having, while you’re walking down the street and you could not help but look in awe. Of course, many individuals claim that they don’t want a nice expensive car. But do they really mean it? The true question would be, is it obtainable? This is exactly what Prufrock is experiencing. Does he truly believe that he could actually have a chance at dating that woman that he is so mesmerized by. In the first stanza Prufrock says “ Like a patient etherized upon a table;\ Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,\ The muttering retreats.” This is clearly stating that Prufrock was completely stiff while in her presence. He couldn’t even speak. He now is confused about what to do next. He argues with himself saying, “To lead you to an overwhelming question…\ Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”\ Let us go and make our visit.” He is not sure whether or not he should approach her. He has a little angle on his left shoulder, and a devil on the other. It is important to take into

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