The Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

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In the book, the Lord of the flies, boys were stranded by themselves on an island. This left no boundaries from the real world. The main characters, Ralph, Piggy, and Jack were the ones that were most affected by this lack of limits, but dealt with them in many different ways. Ultimately, in the book The Lord of The Flies, Ralph Piggy and Jack all show differences we can learn from in the areas of Leadership, Responsibility, and authority. We can learn from the ways they handled these three themes and apply them to our own lives as Christians to serve God more prosperly.

First of all, Ralph, piggy, and Jack show major pros and cons in the area of Leadership. For Ralph this is the biggest quality he possesses. Leadership comes naturally …show more content…

Ralph, while trapped on the island, keeps the main goal in mind throughout the book: getting rescued. This mindset shows immense responsibility. Shown on page 70 when Ralph realized they let the signal fire go out, he says, “they could have seen us, we might have gone home.” Additionally, he builds huts for his tribe’s comfort. Piggy also is responsible, but shows it in a much different way than Ralph. He shows it through Loyalty. Throughout the book, Pigg’s loyalty to Ralph never fails, from providing reminder through Ralph’s ‘episodes’ or valuable insight. He does this even when he is overlooked. Jack in contrast shows little to no responsibility in The Lord of The Flies. This is first shown when he let their hope of being rescued, the signal fire, go out. Then further shown he hunts pigs for the thrill of the moment instead of keeping to the main goals like Ralph. This compares well with the story of Icarus, who was not responsible with the gift of flight and did not heed his father, which led to his downfall. As Christians we should be responsible and keep the main thing in mind by fearing God. As Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom [and

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