The Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay

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The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a peculiar story about boys stranded on an island, and the plot and characters relate to many prevailing events and problems. A specific problem that is currently occurring is the mutual hatred and enmity between North Korea and South Korea. This is a current event, but the North and South’s hostility has been ongoing since 1945, when Korea was split into North and South, Communist and Capitalist. When the 38th parallel(Border between North and South Korea) was created, Kim Il-Sung ruled the North, and Syngman Rhee ruled the South. As of now, a power hungry dictator, Kim Jong-un rules the north, and an optimistic president who wants to see change was recently elected in the South, named Moon Jae-in. In Golding’s book, Ralph is a character who aimed to keep everyone alive and to stay together. Jack on the other hand, wanted to have fun and hunt, and although he also wanted to be rescued, he made no effort to help. In this sense, North Korea is a clear representation of the character Jack and his quest for power, and opposingly, South Korea is a representation of Ralph and his strive for order, democracy, and civilization.
Kim Jong-un became the supreme leader of North Korea in 2012 after his father, Kim Jong-il passed away. Kim Jong-un is very similar to his father and predecessor. All he wants to see is …show more content…

Jack is a character in Lord of the Flies who needs power; he is addicted to it and he can’t get enough of it. Ralph on the other hand, focuses on others, and his main goal is to benefit everyone. Jack and Ralph are opposites, and that’s exactly what North and South Korea are, opposites. Kim Jong-un is like Jack, they both love power and abuse it to help themselves first. Moon Jae-in from the South uses his power to try to obtain peace and unite everyone, similarly to

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