The Little Mermaid And Rusalka Comparison

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Life is more interesting when doing things that are not done on a daily basis. For me, going to an opera is very rare; in fact I have never gone to one until January 31, 2016. The name of it is called Rusalka , an Italian opera. There were many intriguing moments during the opera, which caught my attention even more. From the live intensifying music of the orchestra to the tragic storyline, I loved every bit of it. The storyline of Rusalka reminds me of the Disney movie “The Little Mermaid”. Although it is not all exactly the same, it had many similarities. The one thing for sure that was very similar was the fact that there was a rebellious daughter that didn’t listen to her father; instead risked everything for a chance to have a human …show more content…

Now there was no turning back. Rusalka had to enter a whole new world because she originally lived in the water. She was trying to adjust to the changes and no voice. Now she was chasing after a Prince that lives on land. Someone she wanted to spend forever with and would be willing to do anything to have that dream come true. Within the story, love got complicated and confusing, one thing after another. Just like life is. It seemed as if the future did not want to see the prince and rusalka together. The Prince tragically fell in love with another woman when he had Rusalka right in front of his face, which loved him so much. That was something that frustrated her, she wanted to tell the prince everything she was going thru and how she felt about him but she could not without a voice. She did not think that this was going to be an issue for them. Imagining how she might have felt makes my heart break into a million pieces. The heartbreak she was feeling must have been unbearable and backstabbing of the thought that there would be a different outcome than what turned out to be. Sometimes we want something so bad we become blinded by the truth that is right in front of us not thinking about what could happen to us trying to …show more content…

Just like us, we take the little things and take it for granted and it is not until we do not have what we need or wanted to finally realize what we once had. To me the prince deposed of Rusalka as he pleased, mainly because he was not getting what he was wanting. Once he wanted her back, he did not think about this horrible ending. This story takes a different shift from the Disney movie whenever he had death waiting for him. It did not have that fairy tale ending, and I like that. I like it because not everything will have a happy ending, we always get what we least expect and it did take me by surprise when the end result of this story was

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