The Leisure Class By Thorstein Veblen

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“The Leisure Class”

The Theory of the Leisure class was written by Thorstein Veblen in 1899. Veblen was born July 30th of 1857 in Cato, WI at a time when changes in slavery and the new capitalist empire is about to begin. He is Norwegian-American and studied at the universities of John Hopkins, Cornell, Yale, and Charleton. He was influenced by Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer, and John Dewey. The information is based on 9th-15th centuries to the modern era. This book includes the levels and stages of class attributed to the economics of the new industrial culture and pre-existing subcultures. He details the “conspicuous consumption” of the leisure class by detailing the living standards, taste of goods, and fashions of the leisure …show more content…

Consumption of goods is something that the lower class aims to obtain although sometimes they are not able to afford the basic requirements sustain life. The leisure class status is not obtained by credit cards as their debts are non-existent. The leisure class also creates a distinction of woman’s and man’s work. The woman is to rear the children and complete household chores. Women of the lower class are required to work in fields of daycare, teaching, and women’s retail clothing. Although a person of the leisure class may have a housemaid or butler. The man is expected to make the income for the home, and their houses are much more like an enterprise and they are like the CEOs. One movie that comes to mind as an example of a business type household is the movie called The Sound of Music produced and directed by Robert Wise. The children are called by a whistle and are structured to give their name to the nanny in a militaristic type way as if in a marching band. Maria had a non-materialistic nun type background and she was judged by her future employer and children for the commonness of her clothing. The family have a nanny, butler and housekeeper. Certain conservative norms of dresses for the girls and tailored matching outfits for the boys are a sign of pecuniary design. The lower barbarian stages have ownership of women, however, the archaics did not. The more wives, concubines, and children you have the greater your wealth is presumed. To be considered wealthy one must show their collections of wealth, goods, and objects of

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