The Judgement Of Hunefer Before Osiris Essay

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780 The Judgement of Hunefer before Osiris, is a piece of art that tells so much about what exactly, the Egyptians believe, concerning the afterlife. There are many ideas, surrounding the piece of art and scholars have spent countless hours piecing together the meaning of the piece. This is one of the more popular pieces of this era. It is well known and included in many books and documentaries. I have analyzed this work of art and in this essay, I will attempt to discuss the formal elements of this work of art, the iconography, and the purpose of the art.

The Judgement of Hunefer before Osiris, Dynasty 19, c. 1285 was written with paint, on papyrus. This text was written for a scribe named Hunefer. Scribes had a priestly status, …show more content…

At the top of the painting, Hunefer is kneeling in front of a line of crouching deities, professing the good life that he lived. Directly above this scene, Hunefer is being held by the hand of Anubis to the place where his heart will be weighed against the “feather of truth” Maat is on top of the balancing arm of the scales and wears a feather as her headdress. A part crocodile, part lion and part hippopotamus awaits to devour Hunefer, if his sins are found to outweigh the feather. This creature is called Ammit which is known as the, “Eater of the Dead.” Anubis is seen kneeling at the scales weighting the heart against the feather and the ibis-headed god Thoth records the result of the weighing, which in this case, Hunefer’s heart weighs less than the feather, and Hunefer can proceed to move forward in the afterlife. In the next scene, Hunefer is being introduced to Osiris by Horus who is Osiris’s son. Horus has the head of a falcon and is holding an ankh in his left hand, which is a symbol of eternal life. Osiris sits on a great throne behind a lotus blossom, which also represents eternal life. Horus’s four children sit on top of the lotus blossom, representing the four cardinal points, north south, east, and west. The four children are the symbols on the canopic jars that house the organs of the dead, and keep the dead

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