The Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action (JCPOA)

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The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is the attempt to curb the nuclear ambitions of Iran, a controversial, developing country. The deal is proposed by China, France, the United States of America, Russia, and the United Kingdom -- who are all permanent members of the UN’s security council -- along with Germany as part of a group called the p5+1. The agreement seeks to reduce the ability of Iran to produce a nuclear weapon or to attempt to provide one to an external group. In exchange, the sanctions that have been implemented by the United States, United Nations, or European Union since 2010 regarding Iran’s desire to grow their nuclear program (Katzman and Kerr 2). Sanctions related the Iran’s violations of human rights and support …show more content…

They will also be able to export 1.5 million more barrels of oil per day (Katzman and Kerr 17). This increase of oil availability would likely lead to a decrease in the already-low global price of oil, but Iran’s suffering economy could be essentially restarted by the deal’s approval, even if oil prices remain low (Katzman and Kerr 32). Iran is developed enough that lifting the sanctions could mark the beginning of the progression towards a thriving economy. In order for the Iranian markets to improve, however, the leaders there must be open to reform (“When the Sanctions Come Off”). In addition, there is concern that Iran could modernize its military and support terrorist organizations like the Hamas or the Assad Regime of Syria, who began chemically attacking their own civilians in 2012 (Katzman and Kerr 18). President Obama assured that the deal should not benefit Iran’s military in any way during a speech he gave on August 5th. He stated that “Iran has always found a way to fund [terrorist organizations’] efforts, and whatever benefit Iran may claim from sanctions relief pales in comparison to the danger it could pose with a nuclear weapon” (Obama). The Iranian leaders assert that this will not fix all of the U.S.-Iran relations, however, it could act as a step in a good direction. There are two possible outcomes from approval of the deal: the U.S. will lose its leverage …show more content…

No other reasonable alternatives have been proposed to those who reject the agreement (M.S.). It may not be perfect, but by accepting it, the time it would take Iran to build a nuclear weapon would increase up to a year, providing valuable time to stop production if it is discovered to be doing so. Iran must approve their own measures for this deal to take effect as well, therefore, approving the plan on this end may make the United States to appear as more open to peace. As President Obama put, the failure to approve the deal here will cause the world to doubt “America’s credibility as a leader of diplomacy; America’s credibility as the anchor of the international system” (Obama). Iran would be happy by being allowed to continue with its nuclear program and lifting of the sanctions on the country. This allows fifteen years of observation and time to improve relations with Iran and curb their negative behavior while creating a better deal to be implemented in the future. This deal opens the door to build a better relationship, and a better world, beside Iran. Without it, we can never create a world of peace between the two

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