The Introspection Of Beliefs

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Belief is the state of mind in which a person thinks something to be the case with or without there being evidence to prove that something is the case with certainty. Another way of defining belief sees it as the representation of an attitude positively applied towards the likelihood of something being real. In epistemology, philosophers use the term "belief" to refer to personal attitudes associated with true or false ideas and concepts. However, "belief" does not require active introspection and circumspection. For example, we never wonder whether or not the sun will rise. We simply assume the sun will rise. It is something we believe. So basically, beliefs are what we believe in short words. These beliefs are depending on the person, so …show more content…

Before societies were civilized like ours, beliefs were much more efficient on culture. In our day the beliefs help us to determine the value systems in a culture. For example, in Christian countries like the USA, many of the laws are based on concepts in the bible. Which proves the fact that religion is also in politics? Another way the beliefs influence culture is about service to others. Without the effect of faith, we are selfish inside. Beliefs, religions help the society to connect with each other and to share. As an example of Islam, people who cannot do the fasting ritual should pay a specific amount of money for charity. And also, many religions mention the importance of sharing and understanding the poor. Religious beliefs also connect people to meals together, music and any art. So, we can tell that religion has a significant role in the moral and the tolerance of a community. Without the beliefs, the modern-day people would be very different than what we are right …show more content…

Since culture is different and unique in every society, some negotiations between country's can be affected by the culture difference. Great cultural distance in international companies can damage the dignity of the company and overall business in the long-term run. A cultural mistake can cause a decrease in customer amount as they leave away; it can cause problems for a company through pressure groups and general public outrage, attracting negative feedback in the process. The decrease in the customer amount means less income and less profit. People offended by cultural mistakes committed by companies can sue the companies which can result in fines or settlement pay-outs mainly in a money loss. So as a conclusion, the importance of cultural understanding is essential for marketing strategy and, it can damage an organization's reputation in many ways. So, the belief system can affect a country negatively in an economical

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