Impact Of The Industrial Revolution In The 1920s

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The industrial revolution and World War I, played a role in the United States economy in the 1920s. The industrial revolution was an era of innovation and merging ideas that allowed people to transform the world and World War I expanded mass production. The economy of the 1920 in the Unites State was a period that is often called the Roaring Twenties and it was a period that the innovation of the Industrial revolution and mass production came together. Still the U.S. did experience a recession post World War One and was able to recover due to the new industries and mass production. A key aspect of the 1920s was Frederick Winslow Taylor’s scientific management, which was ways of efficiency that could speed up production. Also, there was a shift …show more content…

More and more people were buying what they wanted from automobile, taking trips, light bulbs, washing machine, sewing machine, refrigerator, toasters, and vacuum. Also with the ability to make things cheap Women clothing material went from cotton to silk. Sports also made headway boxing with the fight between Jack Dempsey vs. Georges Carpentier and baseball with the legendary Babe Ruth attracted many to the stadiums. Another form of entertainment was the Motion pictures (now Netflix) and radios (now Internet) also came to the masses. These forms of entertainment offered a form of escape from the deskilling of work and poor working conditions. Also, there is a change from the Victorian tradition of being conservative and saving money to a more moderate now people are buying things that before would leave them in debt. Debt was no longer seen as appalling people now people not only concern with personal values but how others perceived …show more content…

Also blue collar work is highly deskilled and regimented work. An example would be the assemble line in Ford’s Company, which has a worker in one place doing the same thing over and over. Many blue collar workers sought refuge in their leisure from the regimented work by watching bare knuckle fighting, going to salons dirking alcoholic. Also going to the amusement park, jazz clubs, movie house, sandlots games (amateur sports) all were community oriented. There are two types of white collar the old and the new. The old is white collar workers were made up of entrepreneurs, self employed and master craftsman. White collar in the 1920s was comprised of clerks, managers, accountants, salesmen engineers, and managers. They were paid salaries and jobs were somewhat secured. Also, white collar worker takes pleasure in leisure in similar ways as the blue collar workers. White collar went to major league baseball, boxing, Movie Theater, college football, and radio. Another thing that blue and white collar worker had in common, some of their women went to work granted for different reasons. Blue collar wives went to work because their husband was too sick or was laid off work. The white collar wife went to work, so she could have some autonomy and have a spending money. Also with debt no longer seen as a stigma both blue and white collar bought items on credit so they would improve their self

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