The Indispensable Role Of Literature In Literature

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The Indispensable Role of Literature in Education Reflecting on some of the better qualities that I possess, I realize that many of the skills were developed during my childhood, and among those, I am exceedingly aware that many traits were matured by the literature that I was exposed to as a young, vulnerable, sponge-like being. As my mother read “The Boxcar Children” to me at the age of four, I developed an important understanding that would not only contribute to positive life skills, but an intense appreciation for adversity, a desire to become a leader and work toward my goals, and perseverance in which each played a significant role in nurturing my education. While many students believe that literature is an ineffective and outdated …show more content…

In "Literacy: The Essential Skill for College and Career," the Brandi Hayes and Brittney Wilson share their findings which reveal the importance of literacy throughout the secondary education processes, in which the evidence supports literacy and claims that it is the key to having a successful college and career experience (8-9). No one wants to make it to college and land the perfect job, to eventually recognize that they are educated yet lack the skills necessary to be fruitful on the later course of the process. It is vital that students are prepared for college, have the tools to do well, and are prepared to become productive, well-functioning members of society and of their career fields. Literature exposure equals success in the college and career experience. Despite all of the evidence, some students may argue that literature is an outdated, antiquated method of supplementing one’s education. They may argue that technology and hands on experience play a sufficient role in the education process. They may even believe that education is altogether unimportant or trivial. However, while many do struggle with the reading of literature and are challenged in appreciating its value, it is imperative that the majority recognize the tremendous need of literature because of the various roles it plays throughout the entire education

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