The Important Questions about Hemphilia

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What is hemophilia?

Hemophilia is a inherited disease. It’s when there is either exaggerated blood clotting, or poor blood clotting. Blood clotting is when blood changes from a liquid state to a solid state. so it’s like if you cut yourself and it takes a longer time than it should for it to stop bleeding, it doesn’t bleed faster, just longer. It’s a lifelong disease, and people can live normally if they have it. It is very rare 1 in 10,00 people have it. And it is when people don’t have enough clotting factor, clotting factor is the proteins that control the blood. The major types of these conditions is hemophilia A, internal bleeding and bleeding into joints, and hemophilia B, they go through bleeding issues through childhood and a little through puberty. both of them are very similar but are caused by different substances in the genes. We use roman numerals from I to XII to number all the twelve clotting factors having too little of factors VIII or IX is what causes hemophilia a person with hemophilia will only lack one of these two types, but never both. 80% of hemophilia victims are hemophilia A VII, hemophilia B is when IX is lacking.

What are the causes of hemophilia?

Hemophilia caused by genetic mutation. The mutation involve genes that code for proteins that are in the blood clotting , the bleeding symptoms rise because blood clotting is repaired. For blood clotting to take place, we need damaged tissue. Then it activates platelets, then releases calcium ions, and the prothrobin (proteins found in the plasma, with the thrombin and calcium ions, it’s converted to thrombin. Fibrinogen (another protein found and the thrombin and calcium ions to fibrin, blood clot). Fibrinogen is a soluble protein, but ...

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...ent bleeding episodes, and subsequent complications, such as joint and/or muscle damage. More commonly used for patients with moderate or severe hemophilia.

 Infusion of clotting factor taken from donated blood.

What are social and economic impacts of hemophilia?

You have hemophilia, you could live a normal life, travel, leave home, go to work, and enjoy themselves, but they just have to watch out, they can’t cut themselves or else they will suffer from bloodless, because the hemophilia and lack of blood clotting factors, so they have to bring with them, a vaccine or something to increase the amount of blood clotting factors that they have a loss of. This mainly counts on its severity. Me may die from sever blood loss. And some may have major bleeding events. The people with hemophilia can live a normal life, but they can’t pretend like they don’t have it.

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