The Importance of Faith of God in the Life of Abraham

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The Importance of Faith of God in the Life of Abraham

Abraham is the first of the three men who are called the 'patriarchs',

or fathers of Judaism. The other two are his son Isaac and, and his

grandson Jacob. Abraham is not only an important person for Jews but

also for Christians and Muslims, he is the father of all three

religions. For the Jews, Abraham is the father of 'monotheism', which

means faith in one God. He, it is believed, was the first to teach

that there is only one God who created the world, and only God should

be worshipped. If someone was to have faith it would mean they are

obedient to God, and, abandoning all self-interest and self-reliance,

trusts God completely. In Abraham's life two important events are

significant in showing how much faith he has in God. Genesis 12 v.1-9

is the Call, this shows great faith. However Genesis 16 v.1-16 which

is the offer of Hagar and the birth if Ishmael shows that at times

Abraham does lack faith.

The Call (Gen v.1-9) shows just how great Abraham's faith is in God.

God called Abraham to leave his ancestral home, the lands his family

had farmed for generations, and the graves of his ancestors. He had to

leave his valued past behind. Furthermore, he had to go to a

destination that God did not disclose to him at first. By leaving,

Abraham would have left his name, family and friends behind, he would

be moving to an undefined future. This shows true biblical faith as

Abraham was willing to sacrifice all he knew and owned for a future he

was unclear of. He did not question God when he was given the task,

just did what was asked of him. This shows obedience, obedience shows


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through Levitical codes of the priesthood, sacrifice became a familiar

routine. It became a practical reminder of the principle of

substitution that Isaac's release had established. Sacrifice was not

longer just a way of appeasing divine anger, but a relief of personal

guilt and the beginnings of the concept of soul cleansing.

Alters signify Abraham's movement from place to place. This is because

everywhere he moved he built an alter to show Gods ultimate

importance. Today, we use alters the pray to God, they are a sacred

place of the church, often closed off to the general public as a sign

of respect.

In conclusion it can be seen that Abraham did contribute a

considerable amount to early Hebrew religious life. Jews circumcise

their children; sacrifice an animal at Passover and worship at alters.


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