The Importance Of Uniforms In Schools

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Has the society ever made you wonder why the schools have a dress code and not uniforms? The high school that I currently attend has numerous problems dealing with the dress code because some students decide not to acknowledge it. Teachers have to take some time out of their teaching time to send the students to the office for dressing inappropriately. Even though there have been various problems associated with the dress code policy, schools still enforce the policy. Considering the fact that students cannot correctly follow the simple dress code, schools should require students to wear uniforms. Few public schools in Tennessee require students to wear uniforms. Many countries require schools to enforce uniforms; for instance, the school that I went to in India required uniforms. Public schools require students to wear a uniform because it will give them a sense of identity, increase their academic performance in the school, and reduce discrimination between the students.
First, a …show more content…

A uniform promotes a sense of teamwork. Every parent would prefer well-mannered and well-behaved children. When you are required to dress up daily in a uniform, you are truly learning to abide by policies and exist in an environment guided by principles. The dressing up every day can help people get ready for the reality since most of the jobs have uniforms. Therefore, I believe public schools should mandate students to wear uniforms. I would recommend schools to enforce mandating uniforms. This will also increase school 's reputation. If the school is small but requires a uniform, it would less likely advertise about itself than the school that does not require students to wear the uniform. By the look of the school 's uniform – all neat and clean – people can be like “I want to send my kid there”. Thus, schools should start

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