The Importance Of Time And Time

577 Words2 Pages

Often times, humans are said to be living in the past and are consciously ignoring what the future has in store. While this may be true in some regards, isn’t it technically impossible for one to live their life entirely in the past? Realistically speaking, humans as a whole could never live their lives in the past. Events happen, things change, and time goes on. However the phrase does have an underlying meaning, something that proves true time and time again. As William Faulkner has once said, “the past is never dead, in fact it’s never over,” events in history are long from ever being finished. Events, from both current and present times, are constantly influencing how our lives behave the next minute. But this all still seems a bit confusing, how could one fully grasp the idea behind William Faulkner’s quote?
Let’s start simple by exploring an idea that can relate to Faulkner’s quote. At one point or another, every person has heard of how fashion ideas and fashion statements are bound to repeat themselves. At a time in the distant past, a hot fashion trend catches on to...

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