The Importance Of Success In Arthur Miller's Death Of A Salesman

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Everybody knows in order to get a great job or anything good in life we all must be able to do certain things. Doing such things can result in success which in then leads to stability. In Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, the main characters demonstrates this. Which portrayed contrast of those that reached great heights (Ben) and became successful and those who were stuck with one thing and kept at it (Willy). One moved on and lived life, while the other had a dream and was stuck in the same place trying to go after it. To be successful in life there is many things you must do and overcome in order to do this. Ben, was able to do this and left to make it big which soon lead to his stability, whereas Willy was still struggling at the age of 84, asking his boss for an office job just not to travel. From the text we will see how Willy praises Ben and looks …show more content…

Boys! Boys! [Young Biff and Happy appear] Listen to this. This is your Uncle Ben, a great man! Tell my boys, Ben! Ben: Why, boys, when I was seventeen I walked into jungle and when I was twenty-one I walked out. And by God I was rich! Willy : (to the boys) You see what I been talking about? The greatest things can happen! (Act 1 page 48)” In this quote we also witness Willy talking to his sons, how anything can happen, while this is true it is also due to the risk that Ben took to walk into the jungle. This leads Willy into thinking that riches can happen all of a out of nowhere from Ben’s sudden success misguiding Willy. Then allowing him to have an easy life, that he could enjoy and relax. Another quote from the text that supports this is “ Willy: Without a penny to his name, three great universities are begging from him, and from there the sky’s the limit, because it’s not what you do. It’s who you know and the smile on your face! It’s contacts, Ben,

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