The Importance Of Sports Safety In Physical Education

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There are many advantages to sports, such as decreasing obesity, developing healthy socialization, building character values (Rush, 2017), teamwork, and conflict resolution (Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle, 2014). However, without the proper gear and equipment, sports can cause injury and worse, death. Kahler and Greene (2015) looked into the deaths of 11 high schooler and it was evident that the sports they loved took their lives away. For example, Evan Murray who was the quarterback, got hit in the backfield, walked to the sideline with the help of his teammates, then collapsed, and later died in the hospital due to massive internal bleeding (Kahler & Greene, 2015). We want our children and adolescents to be active, however we need to be smart in preventing injuries from happening. That said, education regarding sports safety should be included in physical education in school, sports club, …show more content…

Although healthcare providers play a role in the health and promotion relating to physical activity, my intervention focuses on the school system and the role of the school nurses. Education Program: 1. Education regarding sports safety should be included in physical education in school, sports club, and after school sports programs. 2. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2017) and CDC (2017) agreed that players or anyone involved in sports should wear the appropriate and proper fit protective equipment for that sport. 3. Sports coach should emphasize and educate not only the adolescents participating in the sports, but also their parents regarding the importance of the use of protective equipment (Ward, 2004). 4. Coaches and/or physical education teacher should emphasize “conditioning programmes that include strength, flexibility, balance, and sport-specific fitness and technique training prevent lower limb injury” (Abernethy & Bleakly, 2007, p.

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