The Importance Of Spirituality In Adolescence

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Adolescent is a crucial phase of humankind’s life, which is considered a transition from childhood to adulthood, it range from ages of 11 to 21. It is considered the main time where human beings develop their identity, become independent, and discover their position in the society. The physical and emotional development in adolescent is rapid, full of changes; some are positive and others are negative. At the end of this phase there are some challenges needs to be solved by the adolescent to pass successfully into the next phase (Whipple, 2009). There are two major interlaced challenges that the adolescents faced during their psychological development, these challenges are identity evolution and separation from parents. The first challenge …show more content…

Religion is usually organized and systematic because each individual member has the same beliefs (Taylor, E. J, 2002). ) Spirituality refers to all the ways in which the spirit expresses itself outwardly in the ideas and philosophies and beliefs and personality of the person into the world. It refers to the value, beliefs and attitude that exist in the world, because of the presence of spirit in people (Clarke, 2013). Religion and spirituality have many commonalities and some differences. Both religion and spirituality are often seen as co-existence in which spirituality occurs within a religious setting while practicing spirituality can make one become religious. According to Clarke (2013), the longings which lead people to religion are the same longings that lead people to spirituality. Religion is one form of spirituality and each religion has a distinctive set of spiritual …show more content…

et al., 2005). A religious person is the one who commit to his religion by following its teaching and norms, and staying away from anything that his religion forbids, it has been found that the religion play a role in protecting the adolescents from alcohol and drugs abuse (Marsiglia, Kulis, Nieri, &Pasai, 2005) The national institute of health which defined the Substance drug abuse as “chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences”. The NIH found that the most common substances abused by teenagers are: Alcohol, Marijuana, K2 or spice, opioids such as hydrocodone and oxycodone, stimulant such as Adderall and Ritalin, and tranquilizer such as Xanax. However, substance abuse consider an epidemic health problem affects millions of adolescent in the united states which return in sever long term consequences (National institute of health,

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