The Importance Of Screen Free Week In School

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Our school should implement screen free week because it will help students focus. There have been countless occasions in which students have not completed their school work because of technology. According to “scholastic scope”, experts state that when faced with digital distractions, 50% take longer to complete a task and tend to make more mistakes. If this event takes place, students’ schoolwork will be negatively affected, limiting their successfulness’ in school. If they are always on their phone they lose concentration. What would happen with if no one concentrated? For this reason, our school have screen free week.
Screen free week should take place at my school because it will give us a week to come up with new ideas. If we are constantly on our phones then how will we ever be able to come up with …show more content…

Those folks are incorrect. Students may try to convince you and they will tell you that we shouldn’t have screen free week because our phones are teaching us how to multitask and that’s a good skill to have. I completely agree with them multitasking is important. The question you have to ask is does it really help us multitask? If phones are really helping us perform task simultaneously then, why is it that studies show less than 3% of the population are multitaskers. Although the internet can contain some of the world’s best writing images, and ideas; from my experience, the information can be false and even irrelevant at times. Also this ideas leads into the reason that the internet shows in formation at a very fast rate, and I won’t deny that it’s not great to have this at one click. The problem is that in blink of an eye you can see yourself plagiarizing the information. With screen free week it will help us get rid of this false information. Plus its only one week and I can assure you that one week will make a big

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