The Importance Of Mental Health Research

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Mental health is our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we feel, think, and act. It helps determine how we handle stress and how we make choices. Many factors contribute to mental health problems, such as biological factors, life experiences, and family history of mental health problems. Because of how enormous this problem is in our world and how many people it affects, the programs on mental health are the largest funder of research in the world. The national government offers a program for mental health research in the Department of Health and Human Services that is used by many people today. I do see this program being effective and reasonable because of the research and help it gives people. The mission of this program is to change the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic clinical research, which paves the way for prevention, recovery, and cure. In the 2008 fiscal year, the National Institute of Mental Health released its first Strategic Plan. This guided the Institute’s work toward the mission. In 2015, they released its new Strategic Plan for Research, which is how they are being guided by today. In the Strategic Plan for Research, there …show more content…

For a group such as a public, private, profit, or nonprofit agencies, also Federal agencies, universities, colleges, hospitals, and academic or research institutions may apply for the research grants. For an applicant for an individual predoctoral fellowship support must be enrolled in a research doctoral degree program by the proposed date of the fellowship. For an applicant for a postdoctoral fellowship must have received a Ph.D., Psy.D., M.D., D.D.S., Sc.D., D.N.S., D.O., D.S.W., or a similar degree from an official organization to be eligible. The Beneficiary eligibility is that it has to be an individual or a public, private, profit, or nonprofit

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