The Importance Of Interactionism In Society

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People in our society are often judged, consciously or unconsciously, by the way they look. How someone presents and carries themselves says a lot about them. For this assignment, I chose to go out and judge strangers based on their appearance. The reason I chose to do this was because it was something that I could constantly be doing, it wasn’t limited to a certain area or my computer. Every time I went out, I could analyze what class I thought a person belonged in and why. In order to come up with accurate predictions, I used the symbolic interactionist view point, which is a framework for building theory that sees how society is affected by the interactions of individuals (Macionis 2014:20). I paid attention to the smallest details about …show more content…

His clothes initially led me to believe that he was in the middle class, however, I then took in the information around him. I saw him in the college center, and I assumed that he was a student. If he was part of the lower class and close to poverty, he probably wouldn 't be attending a college, not even a community college. This drew me closer to the middle class. Lastly, I focused on his physical appearance. He was a Caucasian in his early 20’s, and somewhat fit. This play right into my idea of the middle class. Overall, those three things led me to believe that he was in the lower middle class. The second person I analyzed was a woman at nickelodeon universe. Again, I focused on their looks, surroundings, and features. She was wearing a plain t-shirt, sweat pants, and carrying a very bland, large purse. Her clothes either suggested a lower class, or simply more laid back. Like with the previous case, her surrounding and feature gave away more things. She looked very worn out, and was leaning against a stroller. She also had two more kids and a teenager trailing behind her. Assuming that those were her kids, I mentally placed her in the lower class since raising four children really takes a toll on your income. I also noticed that none of

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