Forming an Opinion of Others based on Wealth

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Imagine a world where everyone wears the same types and colors of clothing, and listens to the same type of music. How would that world appear to anybody that has lived in this world? Very likely, it would appear bland and boring; with no changes or differences in nearly all aspects of life. For most people, what is worn and listened to, affects how others are viewed through the eyes of everyone else and is used to express opinions and personality.

Typically, 2 people will form an opinion of others within the first 3 seconds of meeting one another. The way these opinions are formed so quickly is, generally speaking, solely because of physical appearance. All too often, in our society today, people are criticized for what material possessions they have and how much money said people have to spend on things that they do not need, but instead just want. It does not matter where you go; this can be observed almost anywhere. Sometimes, when people notice that someone has cheaper clothes or less objects of purely material value, the people who have more frown upon those who have less. Ev...

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