The Effects Of Individualization In Trainspotting

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Although these characters may seem to be in direct opposition with each other; they have both decided to choose to define their lives by what they consume, as a form of both escapism and to give their lives meaning. In Bukowski’s quote it is not important what job the character is applying to; only what he can buy from it in order to relieve the pressures from individualization. The pressures of individualization in Trainspotting and LETB are no different; instead of ‘mainstream commodities’ however, they choose mind altering substances. As Ahuvia states: ‘people use consumption to cobble together a coherent identity within the context of a fragmented society’ (172). In Trainspotting and LETB political and social impotence have taken hold as the characters do not have the same choices as those in the greater societies of Leith and New York City. Through this, distraction through consumption seems to be the only way for the characters to deal with their predicament; however it only furthers the divide within the communities and continues the cycle of …show more content…

The reasons – well there are no reasons, who needs reasons when you’ve got heroin’ (Boyle Trainspotting). With heroin, he creates a life that only exists ‘in the present moment’ the pain of his past – his guilt over his apathy towards his brother’s death, failure to graduate from Aberdeen and inability to form relationships with women – and his fear of the future, are magically erased and ‘put off’ to another time because of his focus on his addiction. His use of heroin as a distraction – like the compulsive behaviour of mainstream consumer society – can only last for so long before he needs his next fix. The phrase ‘chasing the dragon’ comes to mind here. ‘Dragon’ can be easily replaced with dream job, big house, big car, and so on.

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