The Importance Of Exercise

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If you've been inactive, getting back in shape can challenging, but isn't impossible. Maybe you've added several pounds to your frame, and are sporting that infamous beer belly that plagues many men. Gradual dietary changes and slowly starting to exercise, can get you back in shape. In addition to looking and feeling better, you'll reduce your risk of health conditions, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes; your quality of life will improve. (See References 1) Plan Your Approach According to the American College of Sports Medicine, sticking to an exercise routine is easier if it's feasible, proven, accessible, and enjoyable. (See References 2) They recommend planning ahead of time and setting short- and long-term goals. This should include consulting your doctor, especially if you have health concerns or injuries. You should also schedule your workouts on a calendar, so they conveniently fit into your days. A short term goal can be to exercise at least three days of the week, or to lose 1 to 2 pound a week; a long term goal can be to finish a 5K run, or to lose 24 pounds, in ...

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