The Importance Of Emotional Health

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Emotional health plays a hand in many parts of people’s lives. When you maintain good emotional health it can play an important role in your school, work, relationships and physical health. Researchers used to believe that our happiness came from being successful. To the contrary, research has since shown it is just the opposite. A person with a positive outlook is more likely to set goals and work towards them. People tend to attract people with a like-mined outlook and attitude, therefore a happy person is likely to be surrounded by other happy people. This creates a positive circle of support and healthy relationships. These are key building blocks of success. People with good emotional health have positive coping skills to deal …show more content…

According to Dr. Doris Jeanette, PsyD., Emotional health is determined by the amount of emotional security you feel. If you are relaxed and secure in your everyday life, you are an emotionally healthy person. Someone who is emotionally healthy has an open heart and relaxed body. Emotionally healthy people have higher self-esteem and low anxiety. You are not going to have a negative auto-response to stressful or difficult situations that arise in your daily life. Instead, you will be able to maintain a calm disposition and be patient with yourself and others. You are not likely to be judgmental or critical of others because you have learned to not be judgmental and critical of yourself. Emotional health means you are able to address and identify with your emotions as opposed to avoiding or suppressing them. In order to be an emotionally healthy person, you must be able to express your emotions in and assertive but healthy way. You cannot reach emotional stability if you are unable to address your feelings or hide from them. Emotional health is not the same as emotional wellness. Emotional health fluctuates by the moment on a continuous basis. Emotional wellness is the peak of that continued emotional health. Emotional wellness is a place you get when you are flowing in constant emotional health. You have lots of healthy positive energy and have peak experiences and peak …show more content…

The first thing to do is try and recognize the symptoms mentioned in the previous paragraphs. If you are struggling with any of the aforementioned warning signs, talk with your doctor. Though it can be difficult to speak to your doctor about your feelings and your personal life, it is an important step in gaining back your emotional wellbeing. Your doctor will be able to check for other possibilities for your physical symptoms. For example, some of mine are due to hypothyroidism. This effects my weight gain. It also causes chronic exhaustion, dry skin and sleep problems. You can work with your doctor to treat your physical symptoms while you work to improve your emotional

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