How Does Social Class Affect Happiness?

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An individual 's happiness is vital to their overall wellbeing and is affected by numerous factors, all to varying extents. Although changing some factors, such as attitude and money, is believed to have a major effect on an individual’s happiness, other factors like social class have a larger impact. This essay will begin by discussing how an individual 's attitude is often scrutinised as being either positive or negative, how this can be damaging to their happiness and how realistic thinking can be more helpful. In addition, money’s effect on an individual’s happiness will be examined, in particular the belief that more money will bring more happiness and how it is not as significant as individuals with less money being less happiness. …show more content…

Carter (2011, p. 221) states that even if these individuals accept their situation as fair, this does not mean that they are happy with this norm. While money cannot buy happiness, ‘the status and security’ (Hout, 2016, p. 219) that accompany being in above average social classes is linked with more happiness. Ehrenreich (2010) notes that class inequality would cease to be if individuals could simply change their attitude to change their situation. But as outlined above, this expectation is not realistic and does not acknowledge the complexities of class inequality and the effect on those individuals. Social class has a significant effect on happiness for individuals in lower classes, as it is a major determining factor in their opportunity for increasing happiness and should be given greater consideration when happiness is scrutinised. In conclusion, social class has a significant effect on an individual’s happiness and is a greater factor in happiness outcomes than attitude and money. Whether an individual has positive or negative attitude is not a major contributor to their happiness and a realistic attitude would be ideal for those trying to increase their

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