Comparative Analysis: Athenian Democracy and Spartan Oligarchy

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Athen is home to many things, including the world's first democracy. This means the people make up the government and have elected agents to express the peoples say, competitively and equally. On the other hand Sparta does not have a democracy. Instead they had two kings that told the people what to do, and how to do it. All of Athens male citizens have equal political rights, freedom of speech, and the opportunity to participate directly in the political arena. Citizens also made direct decisions by which they lived and directly controlled all parts of the political process. Athens males received a better education than women and were expected to go to school from ages seven to ten, then were expected to join the military at the age of eighteen in which they would serve as a soldier for one full year. In Sparta, males had no political rights and were expected to go to military school at age seven and had to be in the army until age thirty. Athens …show more content…

They had more freedom, more say in the things they believed in, and women and children were treated better. Children were not thrown out because they didn’t meet the requirements. Athens also encouraged music, education, science, and philosophy. Sparta taught children to lie, to cheat, and to steal. They believed that it didn’t matter what they were doing, just as long as they were not caught. In 480 B.C, the Spartans declared the Peloponnesian War because they feared that Athens were expanding their empire too much, and were going to take over all of Greece. The Spartans went to Athens and waited outside of their city for the Athenians to come out and fight. The Athenians waited patiently, hoping the Spartans would leave, but the Spartans began to burn all the crops around Athens in hopes they would starve and be obligated to admit death. This is why Athens is better than Sparta. They are more mature and fair towards their people, unlike

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