Critical Thinking Skills

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A lot of people these days lack skills which are needed in this environment and which are needed also to do your jobs two of these skills are creative thinking and critical thinking as Alison Doyle said “That even some specify that you need creative thinking skills for the job and you need to prepare for it for the interview to demonstrate your creativity” this also applies to critical thinking as Alison Doyle as well said that “critical thinking is required if you’re looking for a job and to judge something if it is right or wrong”. The first question that comes in mind what are these skills basically creative thinking is the ability to think about something new and create it’s like “thinking outside the box” and also it’s the ability to see …show more content…

All of us have our own way of thinking and our own way in solving problems as the researchers in this article suggest that “Many feel it relies on what part of the brain they use most, right or left” Joy Montefusco AUG. 30, 2014 right being for imagining, creative or daydreaming ways to solve a thing and left being scientific knowledge and mathematics, these are what most people choose between but what is a way of doing it better is by combining both of them in one to make a solution better and more creative while you can also create new ideas because of it making you thinking outside the box for once this is to improve the thing called the whole brain thinking as it is written in the article “learning how to merge your left and right brain thinking process will allow you to use what is called creative logic ” and he says that “You will break out from your traditional mind-sets and re-frame how you problem solve with the help of the whole brain thinking” Joy Montefusco AUG. 30, 2014 a researcher said “that a …show more content…

With gaining critical and creative thinking this will benefit you a lot in a business because it forces employees and managers to think outside the box and to take a situation more seriously by looking for all the ways in solving them before giving the last decision it might take a while to see the perspective of all the employees and managers but it will be a worth for the business .Benefits of doing this are a lot one of which that you will get new ideas like assume something happened to the business and your revenue started to decrease without creative and critical thinking most people will try to bring solutions which were used before it might work but has a low chance of working but if most people in the business have these skills this will be a chance for them to bring a nice and bright idea to the table and this has a bigger chance in working especially if the CEO of the business takes the idea of all the employees and managers that he have it has a very big chance of improving the business especially if the idea is creative, new and has logical thinking with also combining old ideas into a new one, in an article I read there is a saying which I liked it says “you do not need to conjure ideas from the air as a creative thinker you could combine ideas and elements the already exists into a new bright idea that consist of some old things”~Adair.J “The Art of Creative Thinking: How to be Innovative and Develop Great Ideas” this explains how well it helps an organization

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