The Importance Of Climate Change In Ted Talk

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While watching the Ted Talk, we came across terms like mitigation, adaption and risk. These terms have their own specific meaning and have a close connection with climate change. Mitigation refers to minimizing the fallout of disasters in terms of life and property by preparing in advance for the disasters. Risk refers to threats to human beings and things that are important to us. Adaptation literally means to adapt or adjust to changing situations or systems, taking advantage of a situation or dealing with the consequences. All these three factors apply strongly to climate change. Climate change is now a serious phenomenon and in my opinion, it is the chief cause for many of the world’s natural disasters. For instance, Hurricane Katrina was truly a large-scale natural disaster that took away the lives of 1,836 people along with the loss of nearly 300,000 homes. Thus, it’s quite important to take significant precautions for preventing such huge-scale losses from disasters and this is where mitigation, adaptation and risk comes into play. We already have witnessed the risk and dangers that a …show more content…

In various parts of the world like Asia, Africa, Australia and even Oklahoma, people have faced famines and droughts closely associated with climate change. This is affecting farming badly especially in countries like Ethiopia, where 70 per cent of the population depends on farming and ultimately depends on the rain for the crops. Now, the risks of droughts and famines are quite obvious from extreme hunger and starvation to wide-spread poverty. In order to adapt to such situations and mitigate future losses, organizations like Swiss Re, Oxfam America and Rockefeller Foundation are helping farmers to construct hillside terraces and providing them other means to conserve water. The farmers are also being helped by insurance coverage. They are encouraged to invest and this also helps boost their own

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