The Importance Of Classification In Society

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Classification is the way people are classified according by their characteristics and/ or qualities. Classification, has been a process of evolution that has developed over time. Meaning everything has changed over long periods of time by a process called natural selection. We have classified everything around us, whether it is a living or nonliving organism. We humans categorize things because it helps us form a cognitive framework of understanding the complexity even though the framework is still imperfect. Linnaeus talks about the system of classification and when we classify things we impact the way it is interpreted, it is also the birth of racism. Sampson talks about how words shouldn’t hurt others, but should be used to expand our knowledge. …show more content…

He believed that the creation of new species was possible, but that it was limited. Overall what Linnaeus did was put every object and human in a certain class. He classified systems of the natural world and standardized the naming of species and put them in order depending on their characteristics with one another. The assumptions he leads this, too, is that god has something to do with him classifying things. Classifying things put everything in a hierarchy chart and that makes it seem like we are putting things high to low, like what is most valuable and this is problematic because, like I said before, other organism like people of color and or animals don’t have a voice and they are just being defined by how they look, how they came to be, etc. Everyone should have a voice and be able to speak up about how they feel. Some might not want to be classified as they are, but as long as it is not hurting them or any other group it should be acceptable. It should be accepted if they agree because classification can be bias, inaccurate, and unfair. Sampson’s view is that words should be used to expand one’s knowledge. Evoliteracy and evolution open new ideas and options for people to believe …show more content…

I believe that is not a place for anyone to classify anything for what they think they belong to because everyone might classify themselves differently. For example, an animal doesn’t have a voice and it probably would not want to be classified at a lower level than anything. Because probably in their perspective, they feel and think they are superior. Like we humans believe that we deserve to be superior than anyone else in that hierarchy chart due to the fact that we say we are more “intelligent” and have a better understanding of what is going on. Like everyone should be able to think and speak up for themselves. Sampson said we need to keep living how we are to keep understanding our past, but some of the humans, objects or organism don’t want to live in the past and want to start fresh. What if they don’t want to be classified how they began to be classified many years ago? In reality classification has worked for many years, but it is wrong because not everyone is being considerate about how others think everything or themselves should be classified as. In closing, the way we organize humans, organisms, and objects determines the amount of power that we are giving them because classifying everything has a major

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