The Importance Of Being Your Best Self

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If you are like most people you strive everyday to be your best self. To be exact most of us consider ourselves to be an ideal citizen who always try to live an ethical life. A part of being our best self is the ability to have moral intent. When you detect an ethical resolution and everything to make that decision is at your fingertips there still must be present an inclination to do the right thing. But every now and again yes, sometimes there could be a glitch or two along the way. Maybe even a warning sign saying trouble up ahead proceed slowly. What if you are encountered with the opportunity of telling a white lie? Something simple as telling a friend that she looks great in that new dress when maybe she should have worn something …show more content…

That is what we call an excuse yes, a lie. It was her way to justify to herself and others that even though she cannot afford it all is okay because the old car was unreliable. Simply put that is a rationalization which is an answer that is used to block a correct ambition. According to Ethics Unwrapped “ultimately, rationalizations dull our sense of responsibility for our wrongful actions” (Being Your Best self, Part 3: Moral Intent, 2018). If not, careful those created justifications can put us on a slippery path to loosing one’s moral growth which is not a desired result. By identifying why, the need for rationalization perhaps it can also aid to a clearer vision of the part morals contribute to ethical …show more content…

Integrity is a crucial thing to have possession of without it there would never be any empathy. Integrity is honesty, secure moral principles, and moral uprightness all rolled into one. It is one’s own individual decision to hold oneself to a proper ethical belief. Again, integrity is knowing and doing what is right even when there is no audience watching. Remember it takes strength doing the right thing especially if everyone around is not participating in ethical behavior. Stick to your solidity of your character so to act respectfully with values, beliefs, and moral principles use them as a shield and hold them close to you for any speed bumps along the

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