The Importance Of Being Late In The Military

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Punctuality shows that you’re responsible, honest, and can follow directions. It’s not just an order that the army requires, but also is a very good trait that is certainly a reflection of a person’s character, it shows you have integrity and self discipline. Though some of us make mistakes, but it’s unacceptable and a lack of respect for others and their time. If you’re late it shows that you most certainly do not care what their NCO’s tell them. Time is often a precious gem that shouldn’t be wasted at any cost. You should always manage your time because you can’t get it back.

Importance of being on time, and proper military wear and appearance

Promptness isn’t only a duty, but can be part of very good manners. Military discipline and …show more content…

Everyone is supposed to display the ability to be an effective leader at all times. And that is impossible if you’re late. It is your duty to follow orders of those appointed to you as long as they are lawful and moral. When you are to be told to be at a place at a certain time, then you are expected to meet that standard. If you can perform that simple task, then it shows your priorities aren’t straight. Respect is the key to a functioning army all the way around. It must be shown all the time. Failure to arrive on time is pure disrespect towards your leadership. When you are tardy it shows that you care more about yourself more than your career. So in all, don’t be late. It’s understandable that it may be out of your hands but most of the time it’s not so do the right thing. I will now research on the military uniform and appearance. I will also research on the AR 670-1. This will help me better understand and value more the importance of the uniform that I wear and it will be helpful in future of military career.The army has the uniform to show that a member wearing it is a soldier and that is what makes it so important.The wear and appearance of the uniform should be neat.There is no excess, things hanging out of any pockets.It should look concise and not draw any attention to yourself.Soldiers should be dress right dress to everyon else. In the army it’s important to be a team because of what we

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